# Modifiers are adverbs at the *start* of a regex.

    if "TMTOWTDI" ~~ m:ignorecase/ tmtowtdi / {  # or for short m:i//
    	say "Matched '$/' while ignoring case";

    if "foo bar" ~~ m:sigspace/ foo bar / {  # space is significant now
    	say "Matched '$/' while space is significant";

:ignorecase :i => makes matching case insignificant

:ignoremark :m => ignores accents

:sigspace :s => whitspace is significant

:ratchet :r => Causes the regex to not backtrack by default

:global :g =>

:Perl5 :P5 => Runs in Perl 5 regular expression mode

Unicode modifiers

:bytes => Match bytes

:codes => Match codepoints

:graphs => Match language-independent graphemes

:chars => Match at current max level