# Repetition quantifier is **

    my $str = "mememememe";

    if $str ~~ m/ [me|meme] ** 2 / {  # | matches greedily
    	say "Matched '$/'";

    if $str ~~ m/ 'me' ** 2..4 / {    # Match 'me' two to four times
    	say "Matched '$/'";

Instead of representing temporal alternation, | now represents logical

alternation with declarative longest-token semantics. (You may now use

|| to indicate the old temporal alternation. That is, | and || now work

within regex syntax much the same as they do outside of regex syntax,

where they represent junctional and short-circuit OR. This includes the

fact that | has tighter precedence than ||.)

via http://www.perlcabal.org/syn/S05.html#Longest-token_matching